
chronic constipation(ROME III criteria)

큰봄까치꽃 2013. 4. 9. 12:56



   (2)울퉁불퉁하거나 딱딱한 변(hard stool)-type1,2,3

   (3)불완전 배변 느낌(sensation of incomplete evacuation)

   (4)항문직장이 막힌 느낌

   (5)추가적인 손조작의 시행

   (6)주 3회 미만의 배변활동


   이중 두가지 이상의 증상이 배변시 25%이상에서 나타나야 한다.


2; 완하제 사용 없이는 묽은 변이  드물게 나타난다.


3; IBS 진단을 받지 않아야 한다.



stool type

Figure 1






Rome III Diagnostic Criteria for Functional Constipation

Symptom onset more than 6 months prior to the diagnosis, with the following criteria fulfilled for the past 3 months:
  • Loose stools rarely present without the use of laxatives
  • Insufficient criteria met to establish a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome
  • Two or more of the following criteria must be met:
    1. Less than three bowel movements per week
    2. Manual maneuvers necessary to facilitate defecation more than 25% of the time.
    3. Hard or lumpy stools more than 25% of the time
    4. Sensation of incomplete evacuation more than 25% of the time
    5. Sensation of anorectal obstruction more than 25%of the time
    6. Straining with defecation more than 25% of the time.

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